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2 min read
3 Dental Tips to Keep your Mouth and Body Healthy
Here at MyDental Care in Meadowbank within the City of Ryde we are passionate about maintaining the health of your smile.

3 min read
Myobrace is More than a Mouthguard
Here at MyDental Care in Meadowbank we offer the Myobrace which is an advanced orthodontic mouthguard that can straighten your teeth without

3 min read
Do you have trouble sleeping?
OSA stands for obstructive sleep apnoea which is a potentially harmful condition that can affect your direct state of wellbeing...

3 min read
Achieve the smile you deserve, fast
Here at MyDental Care in Meadowbank offers Rapid Smiles in order to help our patients achieve a straight and beautiful smile.

3 min read
Fighting tooth and nail
Everyone knows that teeth are strong, but did you know that your teeth are the hardest substance in your body?

3 min read
What’s really in your child’s lunch box?
As a parent you probably already know that dental care at a young age is very important for your child’s current and future health...

3 min read
Sleep disorders: what can lack of sleep do to you?
We all know that waking up more tired than when you went to bed can make you feel grumpy and groggy. But what you might not know is....

3 min read
The princess, the pea and sleep apnoea
Most of us know about the story of the princess and the pea and many of us can probably relate. But if you are struggling.....

2 min read
Wake up to the problem
What do the following concerns have to do with each other?
Increased blood pressure
Chronic fatigue
Heart attack, stroke.....

2 min read
Digital guided implants: what is it and why use it?
Why use digital guided implants?
The placement of a dental implant requires meticulous care in both the planning and execution.

3 min read
No Need to Cry Over Spilt Milk
While conventional wisdom would have you believe that milk is good, especially for growing children

5 min read
Breast Feeding is Best without Tongue-Tie
Breastfeeding is one of the first pleasurable experiences for a new baby. It is important for the baby’s health and nourishment, and for bon

3 min read
We were in the Sun Herald on 9th July 2017!
Health impacts may take your breath away Headaches, migraines and teeth grinding may be a consequence of having a restricted airway. For...

1 min read
Dental Bridge versus Dental Implant
This week I got many patients ask me what are the advantages and disadvantages of dental bridge versus dental implant.
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